Riparian Soil Lab

The Soil Lab reveals the intricate root systems of Riparian prairie plants to the public on the descent down to the River Overlook and to a researcher in the private portion of the program, all suspended below the Chain of Rocks Bridge in St. Louis, MO.


A Riparian Microclimate


The Riparian Zone, or Riparian Buffer, is a riverside ecosystem rich in biodiversity. This is in part due to the slow water drainage through its fine alluvial soils, and the long, robust root systems of prairie plants characteristic of this ecosystem. The Soil Lab proudly displays these impressive root systems to the public while also allowing researchers to examine them in a controlled environment.


"I liken the plant to an iceberg, where most of it is hidden under the surface," - José Dinneny


Soil Lab, Residence, Public Park


From the pedestrian walkway, one can walk out onto the artificial landscape atop the soil research program. The planted rooftop program is anchored to the roadway in several key locations, while the private program is welded and suspended from the roadway structure with a series of deep steel beams.


A Riverside View


From the Research Program, one looks upstream at the Mississippi River, and from the Living Program, the floor-to-ceiling curtain wall faces both upstream and towards the Missouri side of the river.

The Living and Research programs are accessible from two separate entrances from the main River Overlook staircase.