
Timeline: 3 Weeks

The Plantsporter is designed for the indoor gardening nomad, allowing for easier movement between homes with their plants intact. Cast out of paper pulp, the lower portion offers rigid support for a standard size pot, tapering out into the upper portion to allow ample room for foliage.


Plant Pains

Survey Question: Have you ever attempted to move apartments/houses with plants? If so, describe the container you used to transport the plants, and any challenges you faced during this process.


“[I] took separate trips with plants only in the car so they would not get damaged by furniture/large items”


“[I used] a box, but it was not able to be stacked or closed. The plant was too tall. Plus I’d worry for my plant if I couldn’t see it in travel.”





Based on the idea of an egg carton, the TerraBox is molded to provide structure where necessary, and opens in the same “clam-shell” style


Within the modular line, there are boxes of different sizes and proportions that accommodate the skinny and tall, the short and stout, and any plant in-between.

The variety of boxes can be stacked and moved together, reducing the need to pay special care and attention to plants during the already cumbersome moving process.


Paper Pulp Process